Our baby Jake is 18 months old today and i just can't believe it. He is turning into a little man right before my eyes. He is such a fun little guy and we have loved his sweet little spirit that he has brought to our family. He is a silly boy and almost always has a smile on his face. He still doesn't talk much but is by no means quiet. If he wants something you will know it and he will point at it until his arm falls off if he has to. The words that he does say often are - juice, uh-oh, DaDa, duck, woof, and Mama. He adores his big brother and thinks he is so funny. He loves animals and is often found sitting on the dogs or pulling on their tails or ears and laughing. If he hears a song he likes he will drop everything and dance, it's mostly circles until he falls down but he is also known to throw a few stomps in the mix too.

He loves trucks, loves to watch Monster Jam. He loves Elmo and can hardly wait to get into that Halloween costume of his. He is obsessed with appliances, yes i said appliances, loves the vacuum, blender, tools, swiffer, ect. they are all fascinating to him. He loves his blankie and his favorite stuffed animals and is often seen climbing to any heights to get to his binky. Above all he is a busy little guy who is always up to something which is why we all love him so much. We love you Jakie!!
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