At the end of last month we took Jake to get his 3 month pictures taken. He was such a cutie and I think they turned out so cute. Of course we had to get one of the boys together, that's my favorite one. We have two very cute little men if I do say so myself! Jake is growing up so fast, sometimes i wish we could slow him down a bit but I guess you have to let them grow up. This last three months has flown by, I can't even remember life without Jake, he is such a good baby and he loves to coo and smile so much now. We love you Jake!
What a cutie. I want to see him in real life. He looks like such a happy baby.
What a cute blog. Found it off of facebook. Glad to see that you are doing good.
Oh my gosh, he is so cute and Cody looks so handsome.
What handsome boys you have. Cody is getting so big. Congrats to him for starting pre-school!
Karen and Scott
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