This weekend we went swimming at the pool and Cody learned the wonders of swimming with arm floaties or muscles as he calls them. After seeing a picture of Kaleo's little boy swimming with muscles he had to try it and he had a blast. We have been trying to get Cody to come to grips with his small fear of the water, he just doesn't like to get splashed and always hung on to us for dear life. With his muscles on he is a pro now, he thought it was so much fun and told us "Myself is very proud of me for being such a good swimmer", were glad he worked that out with himself. We had so much fun watching him jumping into the water like a big kid. Jake had fun to. I toted him around in his Baby Buoy water carrier and he actually ended up falling asleep in the pool, I guess it was that relaxing. We will be making as many trips back to the pool as we can get in this summer. We took a couple videos of Cody swimming and jumping in, going all the way under the water and coming up smiling, yeah we could hardly believe it either! Hope you enjoy them..... turn your speakers on.
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