We went into Kansas City this weekend to check out a few of the sites. We went to a place called Crown Center. It has a lot of shopping and some fun restaurants. We went to a restaurant that delivers your food by train, Cody thought that was pretty cool and he even got a conductors hat to wear. We also went to the Crayola store where Cody had fun drawing.
Robert and I have been married for 10 years. We have 2 beautiful little boys who keep us on our toes. Cody is full of energy and the smartest little guy ever. Jake is a little sweetie that we are so happy to have in our lives. We moved across the country to Kansas in January of 2008 for a job opportunity Robert was given. I still miss Utah, it has been a huge adjustment moving so far from family and friends but with every new friend we meet here it gets easier and easier to make the transition.
-Yesterday I had to go get a eye exam so I left Robert with the boys and after I told Cody bye he looked at Robert and said "Dad, Mom's leaving, now we can do whatever we want!"
-Tonight when he was waiting for Robert to get his towel so he could get out of the tub, I heard him yell "Dad, get me outta here, I'm freekin cold."
-He was looking at a pic of me and Robert on our honeymoon in Disneyland and I was explaining to him that a honeymoon is something you go on after you get married. He looked at me and said matter of factly "I just want to go to Disneyland, I don't want to get married. I just want mickey mouse ears and then I will come home, not married!"
-I was playing trains with him the other day and he all the sudden said "Wait my brain just hatched a idea" and then he proceeded to move the trains around to how he wanted them.
-Yesterday he was playing with Jake trying to make him smile and he did, he was so excited and exclaimed "Mom, his first smile, where is his baby book so we can write it down?"
-This morning he said "I love you mom, your always there when I need you." Talk about melting a mom's heart!
You know you live in the Midwest when your best pick-up line is "Hey baby, want me to check you for ticks?"
You know you need a night out when your defination of alone time is when the kids fall asleep in the back of the car.
You might be a redneck if... your child recognizes camoflage as one of the primary colors, which Cody does.
nice family!!!
Robert, be honest, who forced the kids to go to the restaurant that delivers food by train?
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