We had the party at the Mall at a bouncy place called Monkey Bizness. He wanted to invite all his friends from school and the neighborhood and i didn't really want them all in my house, nor did i think they would all fit so the result ended in renting out Monkey Bizness for a couple hours of bouncing fun. Everyone who came seemed to have a blast, i couldn't even keep track of Cody and only saw him a few times. Jake had fun too and i even took him down the big slide a couple of times. All in all it was a great afternoon and the party was a success. We got home and Robert packed up his truck and headed out for the pheasant hunt. Cody was so happy to have his dad at the party and was grateful that he gave up opening day to spend his birthday with him.
He is still anxiously waiting for Dad to come home to tell him all about his hunting trip and to bring him more presents from Utah family that he hunted with. He got some neat gifts from us, grandmas and papa's and family and friends. His Grandma and Papa Davis got him a trampoline but it probably will not get set up until spring so we will have to take a picture of it then, i think the boys will have fun with it next summer.
Cody has really been enjoying playing with Aunt Dayna who came from Utah to visit for his birthday. We are so glad that she was able to come, especially since Robert has been gone hunting, it gives Cody and Jake someone else to torture besides me for a couple of days:)
Here are some pictures of Cody's day of birthday fun......
With his new G.I. Joe

Blowing out the candle, he told me he remembered to make a wish but wouldn't tell me what it was because then it won't come true.....

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