Well I am a little late getting this posted but we just wanted to tell Jake Happy 1/2 Birthday! I can't believe he is 6 months old already, time really does fly! He is such a sweet little guy. At his 6 month check-up he weighed 15 pounds 9 ounces and was 26 1/2 inches. He is already wearing a few 9 month outfits and jammies. He is so close to crawling and can get around very well by doing his inchworm move. He loves to just roll and scoot around the floor and does that most of the day. He is working on sitting up on his own but usually just rolls himself onto his tummy. He is a very loud squealer. He squeals in delight quite a bit and I think he tries to be as loud as he can. He is a wonderful sleeper, which I am very grateful for, someone up there knows me very well and has blessed me with two very good sleepers. He loves his big brother and the dogs, if it were up to him he would rather the dogs lick his face clean after lunch then mom coming at him with the wash cloth. He also loves stroller rides and happily rides for as long as you push him. He hates to wait for his bottle, if he sees it you better have it in his mouth within seconds or you'll hear about it. All in all Jake is one happy little guy and we are glad to have him around!
oh my gosh!!! He is so freakin cute I want one!
What an absolutely adorable little guy..he has a very handsome big brother too. Looks like all is well in Kansas.
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