We had a great 4th of July weekend. We had a bar-b-q with some friends and then had them over to watch fireworks on our lawn, we always have a great view from our house because they set the city display off at the high school which is just one street over. Our whole street did anything but abide to the city's no fireworks policy on the 4th. It was nuts. We all agreed that we had never seen or heard so many fireworks go off on one street alone ever. It was great! I love watching fireworks and the kids had a blast, the snaps that we got for them were especially a hit. We also went to the Gardner pool which is always fun, just wish it was a little warmer, the water is also so cold. Cody loves the white slide and we spend most of our time there. We hope that everyone had a great holiday weekend. It was nice to have Robert home for one extra day. I always think we send him back to work exhausted though, I think he goes back to work to get some rest. Our family is very proud to be Americans and very grateful for our freedom, we will never take it for granted and we are very appreciative to those who make our freedom possible!

Wow those fireworks are loud!!


The favorite white slide

Part of the pool
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