Friday, August 13, 2010

First Day Of Kindergarten

Today was Cody's first day of Kindergarten. He asked all morning, "Is it time to go yet, is it time to go yet?" He was just a little excited! Taking his first day of school pictures on the porch i just kept thinking how big he looked. He is growing up so fast and if i could push a button to slow time down i would.

How cute is this...

Cody and his buddy from up the street, it's always nice to find a familiar face on the first day of school

At his desk

Jake just about started crying when he realized that Cody did not return to the car with us. He was very concerned with where Cody went and why he was not coming home with us. He loves his big brother so much.

After school he was so excited to eat the "Back To School Brownies" that Grandma Judy sent. He loved them and might have ate them all if i had let him. He said that his first day was good and that he made a couple of new friends. He also said that his class was weird because there were no teacher helpers and they didn't have a snack, it's funny what kids notice. I hope he has a great rest of the school year and learns a lot!


Jerry and Sarah said...

How cute! So fun. I can't believe our boys are starting Kindergarten already. Hayden has just a couple more weeks and he can't wait. I'm glad he loved it.

Fernando Solis Eguiza said...

El Niño Y Tu Pilin