Me and the boys had a fun trip to Utah last week. We had not been there in a couple years, that's hard to believe, but it was time to go back for a visit. We started out our trip with a visit to the Living Planet Aquarium. My sister had arranged for us to have a meet and greet experience with the penguin's at the aquarium. It was really neat. We got to go in a small room right off of the penguin habitat. The door to their habitat was open and they could waddle in and out as they wished. They were so cute. About four different penguin's came in and out and just waddled around and really paid no attention to us sitting there watching them. Our favorite one liked to play with tennis balls and try and sit on them like eggs, he was cute. They boys talked and talked about those cute penguin's all week after seeing them. It was awesome of their aunt Dayna to give them that fun opportunity.

We also went to a fun place right by my parent's house called "Hang Time". It's a trampoline center where there's nothing but trampolines everywhere you look. The boys had a blast and didn't want to leave. They ended up talking Grandma and Papa into taking them back the next day ;)
We also got to go see Robert's brother's new house and the boys got to see their cousin's that they hadn't seen in a long time, they had lots of fun playing together, just wished we could have stayed longer.
I was very excited to get together with my friends from high school. It had been a while since we had all been able to get together so it was nice that we were all able to meet and chat.
We have 14 kiddo's between us all, it's a little crazy to think about. It seems like just yesterday we were all irresponsible teenagers hanging out in my basement, those were the good old days.
We also got a chance to go to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point. It is a fun place for the kids. I had never been so i enjoyed it too.
We had a great trip and hope we get back to Utah sooner rather than later. We realize when we go back how much we miss so many people there, but we are also always glad to get home, especially to Robert this trip since he didn't get to go with us.